Friday Night

There aren't just a lot of articles out there today or tonight. The Avalanche-Journal has some general notes on Tech, but nothing really earth-shattering.
I was really expecting something out of DMN. The Star-Telegram has a preview of tomorrow night's game. Jordan Palmer, this guy's brother, had his share of trouble last week against San Diego State. It would be really nice if Tech could capitalize on some of Palmer's mistakes. Despite UTEP's more experienced quarterback, I still like Tech's talent overall this week. Admittedly, I really know nothing about UTEP other than Palmer is their QB and Price is their coach. I hope to have more posted tomorrow morning.
I also loved watching Wes Welker play last night, giving credence to the idea that if you can catch the ball and you know how to run routes and quite simply play football then you can make it to the NFL. Tape of that game should be shown to each and every one of Tech's receivers
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