Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Bob Knight and Michael Prince

I love Bob Knight. I always have. As a child I remember that 1987 Indiana national championship team and that was the first year that I really paid attention to sports. After saying that, understand that I am obviously biased, but not because Knight's at Tech, but because I've always appreciated the way that he coaches the game. I really do not believe that Knight intended to hurt Michael Prince, I think he intended to get his attention. In this case, there's a really fine line between violence and trying to lift up someone's chin and it may be nearly impossible for me to make that distinction without offending someone who believes the action was violent. The action itself was direct and hard, but it's not like it was an open fist slap or a shove in the chest. I think people will make their decisions based upon their previously conceived ideas of Knight. Just like any perceptions we have about individuals, we know that those perceptions are based upon some sort of history which we've all filed away in our own personal filing cabinet. For some of you, your filing cabinet may be much bigger than other individuals.

The DMN has an article up and the AP via Yahoo has an article. The LAJ has an article focusing on AD Myers and Michael Prince's parents.

Regarding the game itself, here's the boxscore and a story from the LAJ. It seems like Knight is settling into a rotation that includes, Valentine (remember, he's only 5'-6"), Burgess and Rivzic.

Here's the video and you can make a decision for yourself:


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